Tuesday 2 April 2013

Easter flowers

This has been a really cold Easter weekend, so I'm still holding on sowing seeds in the ground outside (despite all the books and websites recommending a huge list of things to plant in March; it's a waste of time and good seed, if it's too cold). I've filled all of my indoor propagators (in the kitchen windowsill, the shed, and a couple of pots in the bathroom windowsill), in the hope I'll have stuff to plant out when spring comes. Next month or so.

But in the meantime, these flowers, which are supposed to open in winter, are looking good in the garden at home and cheer me up:

Hace demasiado frio para sembrar en tierra, y en la casa ya no me caben mas semilleros (tengo las ventanas de la cocina y del bano, y la caseta, en capacidad maxima), asi que mientras espero a que haga mejor y pueda transplantar de los semilleros a la huerta, estas flores del jardin me alegran el dia. Arriba, unas escilas azules, las pobres medio ahogadas por las hierbas (tengo que transplantarlas), y abajo el jazmin de invierno - lleva florido desde enero, es de un esqueje de mi tia Tita.

Above is a scilla, which I need to repot as it's overgrown by grasses. And below is a winter jasmine that has been in bloom since January, it's from a cutting from my auntie in Spain and is doing wonderfully now.

Aqui tengo una primula amarilla, y la planta azul que no se como se llama pero lleva florida practicamente un ano entero, verano, otono, invierno y ahora primavera!

Here I've got a yellow primula on the left, and the blue plant which I don't know the name of but is a wonder flower: it's been in bloom for a year solid, summer, autumn, winter and now spring!

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