Wednesday 17 April 2013

First lettuce seedlings planted out - under cloche

This is something I did last weekend. I had some lettuce plants that I sowed at the end of February and were ready to be moved to a bigger pot. You can see in the photo the root system was developed (you can see little white roots), and the plants had a few leaves each:

Tenia estas plantitas de lechuga que sembre a finales de febrero y ya estaban listas para el transplante. En la foto se ve que las raices estaban desarrolladas y cada planta tenia varias hojitas. Las he puesto en la huerta, pero como todavia hace frio (y viento) las he cubierto con estas campanas de plastico. Lo del viento puede ser un problema - el otro dia me encontre las campanas en la otra punta de la huerta - asi que las sujete con unos ganchos de metal. Estan plantadas muy juntas, pero voy a usar las hojas individuales en vez de la planta entera asi que espero que se den bien:

I planted them outside, taking advantage of the improved weather, but it can still get cold at night so I've put them under these plastic cloches. I had to peg down the cloches because it can get quite windy at the allotment - the other day, pre-pegging down, I found them at the other end of the plot! I'm going to pick the leaves individually as the plant grows, so I've planted them quite close together and I hope they will grow well:

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