Monday 29 April 2013

Flowers opened last week

The past two weekends have been relatively sunny, dry(ish) and mild, so I’ve been working quite a lot in the garden and the allotment. I’ll post photos of the allotment later this week, but at the moment the garden is looking much better, with perennial plants that come in bloom much earlier.

Los ultimos dos fines de semana ha hecho bueno (relativamente) y el jardin y la huerta lo notan, sobre todo el jardin porque tengo estas plantas perennes que florecen mucho antes. Hace una semana me llegaron unas bolsas de compost y rellene las macetas que estaban a medio llenar desde que me mude el ano pasado, asi que ahora esta todo listo para plantar, pero estas plantas de las fotos estan en su mejor momento ahora.

I got a delivery of multipurpose compost to fill up the rest of the pots in the garden, which have been half-empty since I moved in last June, and they’re all now ready for growing. But before I sow and transplant any new stuff, here’s some perennial plants that are looking good at the moment:

I’ve had this viburnum for a few years now, and I absolutely love it. It reminds me of my dad, he loves viburnums too. This is right in front of my kitchen window, and it looks (and smells!) its best at this time of the year. I can smell it when I open my bedroom window.

Tengo el viburnum delante de la ventana de la cocina, y es una de mis plantas favoritas de todo el jardin. Me recuerda a mi padre, y huele de maravilla, incluso cuando abro la ventana de mi habitacion.

My one plant of dog’s tooth violet (the yellow flowers) produces a few more flowers every year. I had to transplant it so I cut all the flowers first, and they make this beautiful handful with some bluebells.

La planta amarilla (erythronium dens-canins en latin) tiene unas flores preciosas, y de una sola planta cada ano salen mas flores. Tuve que transplantarla a otra maceta, asi que corte todas las flores e hice este ramito con unas campanillas (que huelen que es una gloria).

This nemesia has survived from last year, and it started flowering already. Most people treat them as annual bedding plants, but I find they tend to survive in my patio garden (perhaps being so close to the house offers some extra weather protection?).

La nemesia aqui la suelen tartar como anual, pero a mi he visto que se me suele conserver todo el invierno (puede ser que esta protegida de las inclemencias por estar al lado de la casa?), asi que ya ha empezado a florecer.

And finally, I love this dicentra (dicentra spectabilis alba). It does not smell, but it looks gorgeous with all the leaves and hanging flowers, it is bushy yet delicate and I really like it, also it does very well in shade (this strip of the garden barely gets any direct sunlight, at least not this time of year).

Y por ultimo, la dicentra. Esta planta no huele, pero me encantan las hojas y flores, y a demas se da muy bien en sombre (a esta parte del jardin, al menos estos meses, no le da el sol directo).

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