Thursday 30 June 2011

Harvest of garlic - bigger than ever!

My garlic harvest of 2011

I harvested my garlic last weekend, and this year is much better than last! Some of the garlic heads have actually split into cloves, and they're also much bigger than last year's. They were in exactly the same spot, so I have to assume it all the home-made compost I've put into the soil has paid off! They have a saying in Spain that you should plant the garlic in St Martin's day (11 November) and harvest it on St Peter's day (29 June, today exactly), and this season I haven't been more than a week off either side, so maybe that is the trick :-)

Aqui estan mis ajos, que coseche en unos dias antes de San Pedro. Este ano son mucho mas grandes que el ano pasado, y eso que los plante en el mismo sitio! A lo mejor fue porque mezcle compost casero con la tierra. O eso, o es porque segui los consejos tradicionales y los plante en San Martin y los coseche en San Pedro (semana arriba o abajo)! :-) Pero el caso es que estan mucho mas grandes que el ano pasado, de hecho el ano pasado no tenian ni dientes, eran todos una bola uniforme (del tamano de una canica gorda), pero mirad que hermosos estan estos!

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Introducing Ploppy the frog

First sighting of Ploppy the frog

Finaly, after weeks of hearing evidence of frog activity (a 'plop' when I approached the pond to remove fallen leaves), today I have had visual confirmation that the pond has a resident frog. We called her Ploppy because she goes 'plop', and we have a bunny called Poppy so we thought it was funny. Poppy and Ploppy. Yeah, it's not very funny, but too late now: the frog is Ploppy now. She's smaller than Gustavo, the frog I saw last summer. She was hiding under a small rotting log I put by the side of the water, under an astilbe plant. The astilbe shows sign or rust of some kind of fungal infection on the leaves, but I can't spray it with the usual anti-fungal chemical spray because it's harmful to aquatic life. I'd rather have the frog and lose a plant, at least the plant I can buy from a shop. The frog is special, she is there because she chose to. I liked looking at her in the pond and think that she had all of that realm to swim about. It looked more complete.

Sunday 19 June 2011

Jobs of the weekend: orach, tomato plants and new sowings

I haven't had much time to garden these past two weeks, but finally this weekend I managed to tick off some jobs of my 'to do' list.
Estos son los trabajos del fin de semana:

Orach 'Magenta'
I sowed 'magenta' orach a couple of months ago and I've been nursing the seedlings in pots, and today I finally planted them in the ground. I got the seeds from The Real Seed Catalogue because they sounded interesting; they are red, a spinach substitute, and not sold in shops. I managed to sprout the seeds, so far so good, but I have yet to taste the leaves.

Las plantitas rosadas que veis son 'orach'. Las sembre hace dos meses y salieron bien, pero aun estan pequenas asi que aun no he hecho cosecha. Las semillas las venden como un sustituto de las espinacas, y las compre porque son rojas y hacen bonito, pero aun no se como son de sabor.

Tomato plants tied up to their supports
My tomato plants are growing strong in their big pots (the green and the black in the photo), but they needed some maintenance desperately. I removed the lateral shoots that won't produce fruit (the one in between a lateral branch and the main stem), which already made the plants much lighter (more air circulation means less danger of blight), and I tied them to their supports so they grow straight and don't break with the weight of the fruit. I don't have flowers yet, but the plants are looking strong so I have hope!

Las plantas de tomates estan creciendo bien en sus maceteros, pero antes de que crezcan demasiado y se rompa la rama les quite los brotes laterales (los que crecen entre la rama lateral y el "tronco") y las ate a los soportes. Aun no tienen flores, pero por lo menos las plantas parecen sanas y felices.

Seedlings corner
I sowed some trays of things for later in the summer. Because I don't have space in the beds to sow directly I'm starting the seedlings in trays and will transplant them later (like I did with the orach). These shelves are by the side of the house and gets quite windy, so I'm keeping the plastic covers on so the compost doesn't dry too much (and tied down with string so they don't fly away!). I have one tray each of: Leaf salad, red deer tongue lettuce (very tasty!), basil, little gem lettuce, red pak choi, turnip tops, swede and honesty (it's a biennial flower, you sow it now for flowers next year).

Este es mi semillero. Como no tengo mucho espacio en la tierra, siembro en bandejas para transplantar mas adelante. Esta estanteria esta al lado de la casa y le da mucho viento, asi que les he puesto las tapas de plastico para que el compost no se seque demasiado. Hoy he sembrado una bandeja de cada de: una variedad de lechuga de hojas grandes, otra que hace roseta pequena, otra de hojas rojas moteadas (muy rica), repollo chino (se comen las hojas sueltas), grelos, albahaca, un tipo de nabo que le llaman sueco aqui (esta muy rico anadido al pure  de patatas o asado), y lunarias.

Borlotti and Purple Teepee beans
The borlotti beans in this bed were throwing long tendrils and wanting to climb so I put two bamboo arches. I have read they're not tall climbers, but this is the first year I grow them so I may be wrong! The purple teepee beans next to them are low, I know because I grew them last year too. And to the right of them I have planted a courgette.

En esta jardinera tengo dos tipos de judias de mata baja, pero unas de ellas estaban echando tallos como para trepar asi que les he puesto unos arcos de bambu. Las otras ya estan echando flores (moradas). Y a la derecha he plantado un calabacin.

Thursday 2 June 2011

What's in flower at the allotment now

I went to the allotment this evening after work, just to have a look, and I took this photos of what is flowering right now (with my phone, excuse the bad quality!). Esta tarde a la vuelta del trabajo fui a dar una vuelta por la huerta, y estas plantas estan en flor (saque las fotos con el telefono, las fotos no son muy buenas):

Bee among the broad bean flowers (abeja entre las habas)

Nasturtium among the onions (cebollas detras de la flor)

Strawberry flower in old bag of compost (fresa en flor)
Perennial wallflowers and honesty (alhelies y lunarias)

Peas, borage, tree cabbage and broad beans
(guisantes, borrago, berza y habas)