Sunday 13 March 2011

Bird visitors

I witnessed something special today: a blackbird was sitting on the fence and looking at me like, which I found intriguing (I had never seen one stay looking for so long) so I stayed still to see what she did. When she was happy that I wasn't a threat, she went to the shallow end of the pond (I have a planting bag covered with pebbles on one end) and... she had a bath! It was very reassuring to see that the pond, tiny as it is, is popular with the local wildlife. And it made me feel less bad about the state of the pond, which at this time of the year is looking a bit derelict. I lost many of the plants I planted last year, although it's still very early in the year and they may come back (keep dreaming...), but at least some wildlife is enjoying it as it is.

And last weekend, when I was digging the bed for the perennial herbs, a robin decided to follow me and peck at the bits of compost I left behind. But she did follow me around the garden, even when the mound of compost was in the other corner and I was looking at small pots, the robin was still behind me. I had read they do that sometimes, but it was really funny to see that in person!

Hoy tuve una visita especial: mientras estaba fuera vi que habia un mirlo sentado en la valla que me miraba mucho, y como nunca habia visto uno que se quedara quieto tanto tiempo me pico la curiosidad, asi que me quede inmovil a ver que hacia. Cuando se convencio de que yo no era una amenaza, se poso en el borde del charco y... se dio un baño! Una de las macetas sumergidas esta a poca profundidad y le puse unas piedrecillas encima, y el año pasado tenia una planta que ha desaparecido. La verdad es que el charco ahora esta desolado, casi no tiene plantas, asi que me animo mucho ver que aun asi sigue siendo popular con la fauna local.

Y el fin de semana pasado tuve un tordo faldero. Si, yo estaba moviendo el compost de la jardinera que plante con el perejil y demas hierbas, y el pararillo decidio seguirme por todo el jardin y picotear en todo el compost que yo iba soltando. Incluso cuando iba a hacer otra cosa lejos del compost, cada vez que miraba el tordo estaba detras de mi! Yo habia leido que a veces hacian eso, pero no me habia pasado nunca antes y es entretenidisimo.

1 comment:

  1. Con la ornitologia completas tus experiencias campestres, pero no te dediques a tantos campos (los agricolas son prioritarios), porque no tendrás tiempo para todo. Además los conejitos se van a poner celosos...
