Tuesday 11 January 2011

Winter veg/ verduras de este invierno

Back in November I had all the vegetables on the ground that were to (hopefully) grow and mature during the winter. The kale has done brilliantly and, although it hasn't grown new leaves, the ones from November have withstood the snow and hungry birds remarkably well. The chard, on the other hand, does not like the cold weather, as I have now sadly learnt. Mental note, I should put them under a cover next winter (I only have one plant this year, as you can just about see in the bottom of the picture below. It has done much better under plastic than the ones outside).

The leeks.... Well. They have been a disappointment. They haven't really grown at all since I planted them back in August (!!), which makes me wonder if they need a very fertile soil and I put them in the wrong place? In the picture below they're on either side of the square of onions; the onion patch (from sets) is covered with straw, and look how much bigger they are than the leeks.

Onion sets are doing well under cover

Lo que veis arriba plantado en el cuadro cubierto de paja son unas cebollas que plante en octubre (de bulbo). A ambos lados hay unos puerros que plante en agosto, pero mirad que birria de plantas han salido... A estas alturas tendrian que estar listos para comer, pero es que casi ni se los ve! Los puerros este ano han sido un desastre. La hoja verde tan frondosa es de una acelga que lleva ahi desde el verano. Esta jardinera esta cubierta con plastico, y la acelga se ha mantenido bien - mucho mejor que las que estan al aire libre, que con las heladas han muerto casi todas. La berza verde, en cambio, sigue igual de bien a pesar de la nieve.

There is some baby garlic here!

I also planted my garlic in November, and it's grown surprisingly since then. It's not a very good photo, but poking through the insulating straw you can see the green bits... My elephant garlic, however, hasn't put an appearance yet. I'm hoping it's just slower than normal garlic, not rotted or eaten by mice...

La foto no es muy buena, pero en medio de la paja podeis ver unas cosas verdes. Son los ajos que plante en noviembre! El ajo elefante sin embargo no ha sacado nada aun, espero que sea solo que es mas lento que el ajo normal (en primavera se vera si se ha muerto o no).

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