Sunday 24 March 2013

Hardening off my seedlings

The bad weather (spring snow!) has ruined my plans of a weekend planting out and finishing building my path at the allotment. Meanwhile, some of the seedlings I planted last month are growing fast, and I'm having to find them space until we get some decent spring weather again (the shock from indoors to frost will kill them). I'm starting them in the kithen window (warmest), moving them to the shed first, so they get used to colder temperatures gradually ('hardening off'), and the final step will be planting them out in the allotment.

These are some lettuce and some spring onions, sowed in some plastic cells (I cut the trays to fit into the windowsill propagators). (Note the white stuff behind the window? Yes, it's snow.) The plastic freezer bag is meant to keep the moisture in, but also makes it much easier to move!

Lechugas y cebolletas esperando a que el tiempo mejore y las pueda plantar en la huerta. Las voy pasando de la cocina a la caseta para que se vayan acostumbrando al frio poco a poco, ultima parada la huerta. Lo blanco detras del cristal es nieve. Las bolsas de plastico mantienen la humedad, pero tambien es mucho mas facil mover los semilleros de plastico.

My purple mangetout peas, in another corner of the shed:

Mis guisantes, en otra esquina de la caseta:

These lettuces are still in the kitchen window. The beer glass upside down fits the pot perfectly, and is prettier to look at than the plastic bags:

Estas lechuguitas todavia estan en la ventana de la cocina. El vaso boca abajo es mas bonito que las bolsas de plastico:

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