Saturday 7 May 2011

Self-watering tomato planter

I have made Mark Two of the self-watering tomato container. The previous one had two milk bottles as water reservoirs, but this one has a false bottom and the rest of the container underneath to hold the water (the container had no drainage holes).

But the idea is the same: First, a water reservoir is created at the bottom of the pot (a false bottom, or a milk bottle), with a pipe to fill it up with water once planted. Then, a small pot at the bottom is sunken below the compost level and into the water and filled with the compost, so it acts as as wick (it absorbs water from the reservoir underneath). This way the plant's roots can go down to the wet compost, but the whole pot doesn't get waterlogged.

Esta es la segunda version del macetero con reservorio de agua para los tomates. En la primera version el reservorio eran dos botellas de leche, pero en este caso es un falso suelo (cortado de una plancha de poliestireno). El contenedor original no tenia agujeros de drenaje, por lo tanto el espacio debajo del falso suelo actua de reservorio. El resto es lo mismo: Un par de macetas pequenas por debajo del nivel normal del compost estan en contacto con el agua y permiten que el compost se empape de agua y las raices de las plantas tengan accesso al agua del reservorio, pero sin encharcar el resto del compost. Y una tuberia de plastico permite rellenar el agua del reservorio.

The false bottom is cut out of a polystyrene sheet

Holes are cut out for two wicks and a pipe on the side

The container is filled up with compost and tomatoes are planted

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