Saturday 23 October 2010

Homemade protection / proteccion casera

Some people have more exotic "pests" in their garden, buy my nemesis are the local cats. I like cats, but I don't want them to dig over my newly sown bed. So I engineered (there's no other word for it. Wait till you see the photo and the amount of reinforcements it has) a cloche/fence/bunker type of affair for over and around the peas, broad beans onions and grass that I planted last week. Yes, it may be overkill; it definitely stands out now. But don't underestimate the power of the London cats! I used some old bambu canes and netting that I already had, which is good, and I'm also pleased that I did the design and the building (practically) by myself...

This view mostly shows the front bit, which is in the shape of a square box with green netting all around. I also have two small, curvy, funkier models at the back - if they survive the winter and the cats, I'll post photos another time :-). The white stuff is some fleece, which will hopefully now be left undisturbed to do its thing for the tiny plants.

Mirad que instalacion he tenido que poner para proteger mi huerta recien sembrada de los ataques de los gatos! Si, otra gente tiene ciervos, zorros, erizos, conejos, pero a mi me visitan los gatos del vecindario. La caja que veis en primer plano ocupa casi toda la jardinera, pero detras tengo dos modelos mas pequenos y en curva. Solo utilice canas de bambu y red que ya tenia, todo reciclado, y el diseno y la realizacion son todo mio - se nota que estoy orgullosa... (Ahora a ver si los gatos me lo respetan!). Lo blanco es una manta termica, y debajo estan sembradas las habas, guisantes (detras), cebollas y el Italian Ryegrass del que os conte el otro dia. Ya, la instalacion es de todo menos discreta, pero si me protege las plantas yo no me quejo!

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