Sunday 25 September 2011

My first crop of tomatillos

My first crop of tomatillos, picked today
This is my first mini-crop of tomatillos.  I am almost certain that I was so keen to try them that I picked them way too soon.  It's the first time I harvest them (and the first year I grow the plants), and I must confess I didn't do any research about when and how to harvest them beforehand... I just happened to be the allotment, discover the fruits, and I was so excited to feel there was something inside the paper lanterns (they do look like paper lanterns a bit, don't they) that I just took a bunch of them home.  It's only now, reading a few blogs on google, that I realise they may not be quite ripe yet.  But it's OK, I found a couple of recipes for tomatillo salsa that say slightly unripe tomatillos are best, so I'm going to give it a go!  I thought I had lost the plants completely, so it was a great surprise to discover these today.  If they're tasty I will definitely grow them again next year - the plant is really pretty!

Estos son los frutos de una planta que aqui llaman tomatillo.  Yo he visto recetas de salsa mejicana con tomatillos, asi que supongo que el nombre habra llegado al ingles por ahi. Yo no los habia visto nunca, los sembre este ano por curiosidad pero como ya es finales de verano y no habian dado fruto ya me habia olvidado de ellos.  Y cual no seria mi sorpresa hoy al ir a la huerta muncipal y descubrir que habian dado frutos! El fruto esta dentro de esa especie de globo de papel. Me parece que, en mi euforia al descubrirlos, los he cosechado antes de tiempo. A traves de google he encontrado algunas recetas que dicen que para hacer salsa mejor que esten un poco verdes.  Esta noche los cocinare por primera vez, y si estan buenos los volvere a sembrar el ano que viene - la planta es muy vistosa!

1 comment:

  1. Yo no conozco esta planta ni de nombre ni por foto. Ya contar,as los resultados culinarios.
