Tuesday 15 February 2011

Cauliflower seedlings / semilla de coliflor

These weird-looking seedlings are my purple cauliflowers. It's the first time I sow caulis and the seeds have surprised me. The instructions on the packet said "do not cover with compost", and as a result you can see the little white tendrils of the roots snaking on the surface before they find their way underground... Some of them where a bit floppy, so I did cover them with a bit of compost just today; it may make it worse, but my plan is that the roots will grow better by being held in place by the compost. The ones floating on top of it really looked ready to be blown away! I sprouted them inside a clear plastic bag in the kitchen floor, and as soon as they got this big I took them out of the bag and put them by the window - so now the plants have more light and less humidity to grow.

Estos tallos extranos son mis coliflores moradas. Yo segui las instructions y puse las semillas encima del compost sin cubrirlas. Si os fijais veis unos hilillos blancos: son las raices que han salido horizontales. Algunas me parecieron tan endebles que las cubri con un poco de compost, para que no se vuelen. Las sembre dentro de una bolsa de plastico transparente, pero en cuanto nacieron las saque de la bolsa para que no se pudran por de humedad, y estan en la ventana de la cocina donde hay luz.

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