Sunday 5 August 2012

Summer salad (at last!)

Because of weather and social commitments, I've been away from the allotment most of July. In the meantime the bad weather brought the tomato blight, and today I had to pull out all of my tomato plants - now I have a basket full of green tomatoes for chutney, hooray! But a handful managed to ripen before doomsday: see photo below. My lettuces all went to seed since I last seen them, a shame because they were looking good at the beginning of last month and earned me compliments from my allotment neighbours. But at least I have managed to get this handful of lollo rosso and rocket leaves. On the plus side, the cucumber was a total surprise: I thought I had bought courgette plants, and I didn't think thy would have survived the slugs and snails!

If the weather had been better, I would by now have sowed more salad leaves to have a succession, but since it's been so wet I don't have anything to replace the dead lettuces (and tomatoes). I may sow some autumn/ winter quick crops, or buy plugs; I haven't made up my mind yet. Guess it depends on whether I get another dry-ish day to go digging! 

Meagre results from the wettest summer ever 

Esta es mi unica cosecha del verano, de momento. El tiempo ha sido penoso, y he estado fuera varios fines de semana, con lo cual hace cosa de un mes que no voy. Los tomates cogieron una plaga y los tuve que levantar; estos de la foto son los unicos que tuvieron tiempo de madurar (con Los verdes hare conserva, yuju!). Las lechugas y la rucula echaron todas semilla y se pusieron amargas, solo se salvaron las de la foto. Pero lo que ha sido un exito es el pepino: yo pense que las plantas que compre eran calabacines! 

El problema que tengo ahora es que no tengo nada con que responer las lechugas y tomates. Si el tiempo hubiese sido mejor, tendria un semillero que transplantar, pero ha llovido demasiado. A Lo mejor compro plantitas para el otono/invierno, ya vere.

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