Saturday 14 June 2014

Slug-protected petunias, and dahlias

I like petunias but I've never really grown them before. Now I now why everybody puts them in baskets, the slugs destroy them otherwise! I learnt it the hard way. I planted some in the open ground (fool!) and overnight about half the plant had disappeared. Completely vanished. Luckily there was some plant left, so I could move them today to this hanging "basket" (along with some verbenas that suffered the same fate). Hopefully the slugs won't attack them here:

Estas petunias las plante en el suelo antes, solo para descubrir al dia siguiente que son la comida favorita de los caracoles. Me habian comido la mitad de la planta! Por suerte quedo algo de planta (seis fueron atacadas, solo dejaron el tallo principal y poco mas), asi que las he puesto en el aire, junto a unas verbenas a las que les paso lo mismo, a ver si ahi no llegan!

And I also bought two red-leaved dahlias, which I've wanted for years:

Llevo con ganas de estas dalias aƱos, por fin hoy compre estas dos.

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