Sunday 27 April 2014

Week three progress: greenhouse and flower beds

Between last weekend and this one I have got as far as this:

New plastic greenhouse. Some seedlings from last weekend have already sprouted! Others I started indoors two weeks ago and I've now moved outside to the greenhouse. 

Mini invernadero de plastico. Algunas de las semillas de la semana pasada ya han germinado! Otras las empece en la cocina y las he pasado afuera al invernadero.

I planted a lavender hedge in my Mediterranean/herbs bed- they came as little green plugs from the shop, you can just about see them in the gravel line.

Las bolitas verdes en la linea de gravilla son mis plantas de lavanda. Cuando crezcan haran un seto pequeño delante de las plantas aromaticas.

And I continued down the garden (it's in a slope). I started the next bit with some plants I had already: the lilac on the left and the philadelphus (the green bush in the middle). The yellow plant is cytisus 'all gold', a fragrant broom, I love it. In the middle I'll sow something for the sumner, but I'm still not sure what it'll be.

Y empece con el siguiente trozo de jardin. El lilo de la izquierda ya lo tenia, la planta amarilla de la derecha es nueva y me encanta: es una xesta de olor!

All the boards are up in the future vegetable raised beds . The bits of broken paving were holding down a weed mat under the decking, I plan to recycle them in a new path to the entry to the new "allotment area".

Ya levantamos todas las maderas en lo que sera la huerta. Los cachos de baldosas estaban debajo, los voy a reciclar haciendo un nuevo camino a la entrada de la zona de huerta.

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