Wednesday 4 September 2013

Tidy up for autumn at the garden and allotment

This weekend I've been mostly tidying up the garden and allotment, which had become a bit overrun with weeds over the summer. And I've been planting a few things that will look good over the next few months - end of summer, autumn and even winter.

Este finde he estado arreglando las malas hierbas y excesos del verano, y plantando cosillas para los proximos meses. En casa, me dedique a quitar malas hierbas de entre los adoquines, transplantar una salvia y un romero de la huerta a casa, reorganizar las macetas (ahora queda mucho mas espacioso), y por ultimo compre en el vivero unas flores para el otono e invierno: una erica con flores rosas, unos pensamientos (violas), e incluso unos alhelies para la primavera.

At home, I was busy clearing the weeds that grow between the bricks in the ground, transplanting a sage and a rosemary from the allotment to the pots at home, rearranging the pots to make it look more spacious, and finally I bought some autumn/winter flowers that I planted: a pink heather, lots of violas, and even a few wallflowers for the spring.

Above, big pot planted with violas, wallflower small plants, and a few daffodil bulbs. Below, the herbs transplanted, on the left, and a few colorful violas to brighten up this dark(ish) corner.

La maceta de arriba tiene violas, alhelies y unos bulbos de narciso. Abajo, la salvia y el romero transplantados, a la izquierda, y unos pensamientos para darle color a este rincon.

New garden layout:

New sowings: Rocket, parsley, spring onions, and a cutting of pelargonium. Siembras de: Rucula, pereji, cebolletas, y un esqueje de geranio.

These gladioli are looking good at the back of the allotment, and they only cost me one pound back in the spring! I have planted next to them a clump of crocosmias that weren't doing well at home in a pot. Next to the flowers I have a couple of trailing cucumber plants.

Estos gladiolos los compre en un "todo 100" (£1) en primavera y estan preciosos en flor. Acabo de transplantar unas crocosmias, que tenia en casa en una maceta y se estaban secando, asi, y en este momento en el suelo hay dos plantas de pepino que estan dando fruto.

I cleared this patch of soil of weeds (until recently it had onions), and now I've planted out some tiny plants I bought from the garden centre on Saturda. These should either be ready in the next few months (before the cold), a few lettuce plants and spring onions, or stay in the ground until spring, leeks and purple sprouting broccoli.

Aqui plante unas plantitas que compre el sabado: lechugas y cebolletas (para comer en los proximos dos meses, antes del frio) y puerros y brecol (para la primavera proxima).

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