Monday 25 February 2013

Windowsill propagator

I went to the garden centre yesterday, and came back with a few packets of seeds and.... this!

I've always wanted a windowsill propagator, but in my old house I didn't have a suitable window ledge for it (they were too small or too dark). This window gets quite a lot of sunlight, despide the fence quite close opposite, and as you can see the box is just the right size and fits well. So I'm going to give it a go. Unlike the heated one from my last post, this one will be colder so I expect the seedlings to take much longer to sprout; but it will still be earlier than they would have done direct in the ground, and they won't be attacked by slugs and snails (until I plant them out).

The black cells (square pockets) come in 5 separate sets of 6 pockets each, and in each pocket I've sown: parnsips, onions, cosmos, lettuce (a variety called in the packet 'all year round') and parsley. I look forward to seeing what sprouts first, and comparing the different-looking type of seedlings - geek that I am. And because the plastic sets are separate, when the time comes to take them outside, I can take only what is ready and leave the slower growers inside a bit longer.

Tengo un semillero nuevo. Este no es electrico (no como el de mi ultima entrada en el blog), asi que las semillas tardaran mas en germinar, pero siempre tardaran menos que si las siembro sin proteccion al aire libre, y ademas evito caracoles y babosas. Esta ventana, a pesar de tener una valla justo enfrente, es muy luminosa, y el semillero encaja perfectamente en la ventana! He sembrado: cebollas, chirivias, cosmos (flores), lechuga y perejil.

Los huecos donde se planta, el plastico negro de la foto, estan cortados en cinco bandejas de 6 huecos cada una. Es perfecto para mi, porque asi puedo irlas sacando segun esten listas para plantar fuera, ya que seguro que un tipo de planta crece mas rapido que las otras. Seguro que es entretenido ver como son de distintas las 5 cosas que he sembrado, y a ver cual crece mas rapido.

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