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I'm repeating Purple Haze next year |
My last purchase of seeds for the next year arrived today! This lot join the left-over seed I have from this year, and I should be planning more carefully from now until February exactly what and how and when I'm going to (attempt to) grow. Guaranteed entertainment for months! I admit that some (most) of these vegetables I already have some other seed for, but these varieties looked so colourful on the catalogue I couldn't resist... Besides, since I don't have space enough to be self-sufficient, my aim is to have fun and grow unusual varieties instead.
These are my favourites among today's bounty: Borecole Scarlet (Curly Kale), Dwarf French Bean Borlotto Firetongue, Cauliflower Purple Graffiti, Red Basil, Spinach Reddy, Capsicum Ingrid (this pepper looks purple/dark brown on the catalogue picture, never seen one like this before), Carrot Purple Haze (I grew them this year and I'm repeating next; although mine didn't look as good as in the picture!) - these are all amazing colours.
I also bought two vegetebales I've never ever grown before, and I'm very keent to try: Squash Baby Bear and
Celery Golden Spartan. These two are supposed to be easy-to-grow and begginer-friendly. We'll see!
Hoy me llegaron las nuevas semillas! Todavia tengo semilla (un monton) de este año, pero estas tenian tan buena pinta en el catalogo que no me pude resistir. En mi huerta no tengo espacio para ser auto-suficiente, asi que me concentro en cultivar variedades interesantes y que no se encuentran facilmente en las tiendas. Ahora ya tengo entretenimiento para los proximos meses, decidiendo que semillas voy a plantar y donde y cuando...
Mis favoritas entre el lote de hoy son: Berza roja 'borecole scarlet', judias rojas 'firetongue', coliflor violeta 'purple graffiti', albahaca roja, espinaca 'reddy' (roja), un pimiento 'Ingrid' que en foto es entre marron oscuro y morado, y las zanahorias 'purple haze' (las de la foto; aunque las mias no salieron asi de bien!) que ya plante este año y me encantaron. Tambien compre semilla de apio ('golden spartan') y de mini-calabazas ('squash baby bear'), que nunca he cultivado hasta ahora y tengo muchas ganas de probar. A ver que pasa!
Hi Raquel
ReplyDeleteI want to try some small purple chilis I saw on Nigel Slater the other night. If I find them I will share the seeds with you.
es precioso ese colorido en la huerta
ReplyDeletesquash baby bear sounds funny. that is all
ReplyDeletelas calabacitas son de adorno y se extienden poco(importante en tu jardín), porque la de la mermelada "CABELLO" se extiende tanto que invade todo, hasta que sube por los arboles y deja colgados los frutos.