I finally got a "proper" cabbage head today. I planted 9 plant plugs (from the garden centre) earlier in the summer, most of which got decimated (I think it was caterpillars). But when I went to clear the bed of dead cabbage stalks today, I found this surprise. It's far from perfect, but after two years trying to grow cabbages I feel really pleased with it! I noticed this plant was on harder soil than the others (which only produced leaves), so it must be true what they say about cabbages liking a hard bed.
The carrots are miniscule, but this is still to day the best carrot crop I've ever produced. I never thinned them when I should have, this must have been why they came up so small! Another mental note for next year... The ones next to the cabbage are 'purple haze' - you can see they're purple-ish, the thin long ones in the middle are 'samurai red', and the round ones are 'chanteney'. Shame about the size! I'm thinking of adding them to a potato mash and eat with the cabbage and sausages (it will be almost a whole vegetable meal from the garden!).
I have put overwintering onions (from sets) in the space these plants have left, and this time I'm planning to do everything by the book. If everything goes well, I'll have shoots in spring that I can eat as spring onions, and in early summer I'll have onions! (Hopefully full size. Unlike the carrots.)
Por fin he conseguido un repollo redondo! Tras dos anos en el intento, por fin he conseguido uno, aunque sea pequeno y tenga marcas de los ataques de los bichos. Al principio del verano plante 9 plantitas (compradas), de las cuales 8 cayeron victimas de los gusanos. Tambien note que esta planta estaba en un terreno mas compactado; yo habia leido que a los repollos les gusta el terreno duro, y va a ser que es verdad!
Las zanahorias son muy chulas, pero en miniatura. Deberia de haberlas entresacado hace meses, pero no lo hice, y asi han salido... Hay de tres variedades, las que estan junto al repollo realmente son moradas! Serian mas impresionantes si fueran tamano real, supongo. Pero me hace gracia el color, creo que las volvere a plantar el ano que viene.
En el sitio que han dejado los repollos y el calabacin he plantado unas cebollas. Si todo sale bien, en primavera tendran brotes frescos que se pueden comer tan cual, y a principios de verano tendre cebollas. Esta vez las he plantado rigurosamente como pone el paquete, para que no me salgan ruines como las zanahorias.
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